A. Terms & Conditions of Sale

      1. Glastonbury Festival Events Limited (hereafter “GFEL”) offers a limited allocation of tickets (“Hospitality Tickets”) to certain businesses (“Hospitality Clients”) that wish to acquire tickets on behalf of their employees or other associates, and in certain circumstances where GFEL has expressly permitted, to third parties (for example guests at offsite campsites) (the ultimate recipients of such tickets being “Hospitality Ticket Holders” or “HTHs”). Hospitality Clients who apply for tickets will be allocated a set number of tickets which must (notwithstanding the 2025 Ts and Cs, as defined below) be paid for in advance on invoice, and a matching set of names must be provided using the process and timeframe reasonably determined by GFEL in its sole discretion and as notified to Hospitality Clients and HTHs from time to time. Hospitality Clients shall ensure that all HTHs are fully aware of and shall be subject to and must abide by the Glastonbury Festival 2025 Terms and Conditions of Entry. A copy of which is set out below for ease of reference and which is also available at–glastonbury-festival-terms-and-conditions (“2025 Ts and Cs”).
      2. The following terms and conditions apply to the sale of Hospitality Tickets to Hospitality Clients acquiring such tickets for and on behalf of HTHs (Hospitality Clients acknowledge and agree, that to the fullest extent applicable the 2025 Ts and Cs shall also apply to such Hospitality Clients, and in the event of any discrepancy between any provision of the 2025 Ts and Cs and these Terms and Conditions of Sale, then these Terms and Conditions of Sale shall take precedence but solely the extent relevant to the applicable Term or Condition and shall not otherwise be deemed to amend or diminish the provisions of the 2025 Ts and Cs):
      3. Notwithstanding the general provisions of the 2025 Ts and Cs no refunds will be made other than in the event of the cancellation of the Festival. Tickets are personal, named and strictly non-transferable and may not be sold, transferred, offered as prizes or for commercial gain and may only be used by the person named on the ticket.
      4. The artist and performer line-up and all billed attractions are subject to change at any time without notice, and access to any performance may be restricted, specifically or generally, to ensure public safety.
      5. Admission is at each HTH’s own risk. GFEL and/or the Premises Licence Holder (hereafter “PLH”) will not be held liable for any loss, injuries or damages sustained at the event including damage, theft or losses to property and motor vehicles, if the cause is due to the negligence of the HTH or the actions of other patrons or third parties or force majeure. Without limiting the foregoing, the HTH or other patrons may be held liable for wilful or negligent damage to the site, site infrastructure and/or harm caused to another person at the event.
      6. Duplicate tickets will not be issues for lost or stolen tickets.
      7. Tickets are only valid when purchased from official agents. Tickets bought from other sources will be refused admission.
      8. Tickets are personalised to the named HTH and may not be:
        • (a) sold or transferred to another person; or
        • (b) used by any person for promotional purposes, including as a prize or other reward in a competition or lottery, except with the prior written permission of GFEL.
        • (c) purchased by an agent on behalf of his or her principal
      9. Where a ticket has been obtained in breach of clause 8, the obligations of GFEL in relation to the ticket will cease to have effect immediately, in particular:
        • (a) any person presenting the ticket may be refused entrance to, or removed without notice from the Festival
        • (b) the ticket may be confiscated and there shall be no obligation on GFEL to refund any monies paid for the ticket.
      10. Commercial Activity, is not permitted on or around the Festival Site without express prior written permission of GFEL. “Commercial Activity” means any commercial, promotional and trading activities (including but not limited to ambush marketing, sponsored or paid for social media posts, brand influencing and/or unauthorised filming). Please note that where such permission is granted GFEL will customarily charge a fee for any Commercial Activity on the Festival Site. Without limiting the foregoing, whilst ticketholders may post content from the Festival on their personal social media accounts, in line with the Festivals Photography Policy and the Broadcaster Internet and Filming Policy this cannot extent to any content which would by law, or trading standards rules or regulations, require them to include hashtags such as #ad #gifted #prinvite or #thaksto(partner). For the avoidance of doubt, no such hashtags are permitted to be used in conjunction with the Festival, nor the Festival IP, nor any other manner which may suggest or imply any commercial association with the Festival.
      11. GFEL and its associated companies own various registered trademarks and other intellectual property including without limitation, the marks Glastonbury, Glasto and Glastonbury Festival, Worthy Farm as well as the Glastonbury Festival logo and the Pyramid Stage and Ribbon Tower (collectively “Festival IP”) are registered as various vclasses of United Kingdom and European Community Trademarks. The Festival IP may not be used without the express written permission of GFEL.
      12. Hospitality Clients acknowledge and agree that any unauthorised Commercial Acitivity could cuase serious damage to GFEL in respect of which damages awarded by a court may not sufficiently compensate GFEL. As such GFEL reserved the right where there is a breach or threatened breach to take any and all measures available to it at law including without limitation the right to:
        • Evict from the Festival any person(s) conducting any Commercial Activity in contravention of these Terms and Conditions of Sale;
        • Charge a fee in GFEL’s sole discretion respect of such Commercial Activity to the Hospitality Clients and/or any HTH;
        • Ask a court for an injunction in respect of such Commercial Activity
      13. In order to maintain security and safety at the Festival, images of ticket(s) and pass(es) or other accreditation posted on social media may result in that ticket(s) and/or pass(es) being cancelled and no refund can be made in such circumstances.
      14. Tickets cannot be used as part of any advertising, endorsement, sponsorship, marketing, media campaign, sales promotion, staff reward programme or used in any competition whether commercial or non-commercial without prior written permission of GFEL.


B. Terms & Conditions of Entry

      1. Tickets for Glastonbury Festival 2025 (hereafter “the Festival”) are non-refundable and always non-transferable.
      2. The artist and performer line-up and all billed attractions are subject to change at any time without notice, and access to any performance may be restricted, specifically or generally, to ensure public safety.
      3. The Premises Licence Holder (hereafter “PLH”) and Glastonbury Festival Events Limited (hereafter “GFEL”) reserve the right to:
        • (a) refuse admission in any circumstances
        • (b) evict any person breaching the terms and conditions of entry, committing a criminal offence, behaving in a manner considered by GFEL or the PLH to be disorderly or in a way that has an adverse effect on public safety or behaving in an anti-social manner or in a way that causes a public nuisance.
        • (c) evict all members of any group of persons where GFEL or the PLH consider that group is behaving in a persistent anti-social manner.
        • (d) in order to facilitate the security, safety and comfort of all guests the PLH and/or GFEL may refuse entry to ticket holders who attempt to enter the licenced Festival site, or any surrounding land used by the Festival (including car parks) that constitutes the Festival footprint, (hereafter the “Festival Site”) with contraband goods and/or prohibited articles. Please refer to (hereafter “Festival website”) for information on items which will not be allowed onsite.
      4. Admission is at ticket holder’s own risk. GFEL and the PLH will not be held liable for any loss, injuries or damages sustained at the event including damage, theft or losses to property and motor vehicles, if the cause is due to the negligence of the ticket older or the actions of other patrons or third parties or force majeure.
      5. Duplicate tickets will not be issued for lost or stolen tickets.
      6. Tickets are only valid when purchased from official agents. Tickets bought from other sources will be refused admission.
      7. Tickets are personalised to the named ticket holder and may not be:
        • (a) sold or transferred to another person; or
        • (b) used by any person for promotional purposes, including as a prize or other reward in a competition or lottery, except with the prior written permission of GFEL
        • (c) purchased by an agent on behalf of is or her principal.
      8. Where a ticket has been obtained in breach of clause 7, the obligations of GFEL in relation to the ticket will cease to have effect immediately, in particular:
        • (a) any person presenting the ticket may be refused entrance to, or removed without notice from the Festival
        • (b) the ticket may be confiscated and there shall be no obligation on GFEL to refund any monies paid for the ticket.
      9. Entrance to the Festival is subject to both the Festival’s Photography Policy and the Broadcaster Internet and Filming Policy. Ticket holders may not use photographic, recording or filming equipment on teh Festival site for Commercial Activity without the Festival’s prior written consent:
        • (a) a person may be denied entry to, or removed from the Festival Site if they are in possession of nay equipment capable of taking photographs, making films, sound recordings or broadcasts; or if they take or make any photograph, film, sound recording or broadcast of anything occurring inside the Glastonbury Festival for Commercial Activity.
        • (b) a person may enter the Festival Site with equipment referred to in 9.(a) above where it is integrated into electronic communications apparatus designed for personal private use (such as a mobile telephone) and/or a personal stills camera, but that person may still be removed in accordance with paragraph 9.(a) above if they use or attempt to use that device for Commercial Activity.
      10. Tickets cannot be used as part of any advertising, endorsement, sponsorship, marketing, media campaign, sales promotion, staff reward programmed or used in any competition whether commercial or non-commercial without prior written permission of GFEL.
      11. “Commercial Activity” means any commercial, promotional and trading activities (including but not limited to ambush marketing, sponsored or paid for social media posts, brand influencing and/or unauthorised filming). Such Commercial Activity is not permitted on the Festival Site without express prior written permission of GFEL. Without limiting the foregoing, ticketholders may post content from the Festival on their personal social media accounts, in line with the Festivals Photography Policy and the Broadcaster Internet and Filming Policy however this cannot extend to any content which would by law, or trading standards rules or regulations, require them to include hashtags such as #ad #gifted #prinvite or #thanksto(partner). For the avoidance of doubt, no such hashtags are permitted to be used in conjunction with the Festival, nor the Festival IP, nor any other manner which may suggest or imply any commercial association with the Festival.
      12. GFEL and its associated companies own various registered trademarks and other intellectual property including without limitation, the marks Glastonbury, Glasto and Glastonbury Festival, Worthy Farm as well as the Glastonbury Festival logo and the Pyramid Stage and Ribbon Tower (collectively “Festival IP”) are registered as various classes of United Kingdom and European Community Trademarks. The Festival IP may not be used without the express written permission of GFEL.
      13. Notwithstanding the foregoing, GFEL reserves its rights generally in relation to any unauthorised Commercial Activity as set out above, including but not limited to the right to issues takedowns, seek damages, and/or retrospectively charge a fee at its discretion for any Commercial Activity (including filming, photography, recording or posting, tagging or linking to branded material) which originates on the Festival Site or references the Festival’s Trademarks in relation to thrid party brand, services or products (or which otherwise implies a commercial relationship with the Festival), and to evict any person(s) conducting any Commercial Activity in contravention of the terms and conditions of sale and entry. In order to maintain security and safety at the Festival, images of ticket(s) and pass(es) or other accreditation copied or posted on social media may result in that ticket(s) and/or pass(es) being cancelled and no refund can be made in such circumstances.
      14. As a condition of sale the ticket holder consents to being filmed, photographed and recorded for television, radio, webcast and other communication to the public in any medium and/or for any video, DVD or similar or any projection or digital mapping as part of the audience, and/or by and CCTV cameras and recordings operated by or on behalf of and made by or on behalf of GFEL for public safety and security purposes.
      15. Wristbands removed from the wrist or tampered with will be rendered invalid and will not be replaced. Lost or missing wristbands will not be replaced. Those without wristbands or appropriate accreditation will be refused admission to the site or may be removed from the Festival Site. For security purposes all tickets remain the property of GFEL at all times and all wristbands issued by GFEL remain the property of GFEL until 5pm on Monday 30th June 2025.
      16. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied to the Festival by a responsible adult (aged 18 or over, who would usually be the parent, carer, legal guardian or other adult entrusted with the care of that child) who accepts full responsibility and full supervision, at all times, for all under 16s attending under their supervision. Anyone under the age of 16 is not permitted to enter, leave or re-enter the Festival site unaccompanied by their responsible adult. Persons aged 13-15 (teenagers) may be permitted to exit and re-enter the Festival if wearing a “Parental Permission for Exit/Re-entry Wristband”.
      17. GFEL will comply with all current HM Government legislation and as a condition of attendance, ticketholders will be required to comply with this legislation and any associated statutory guidelines, and accordingly, where necessary GFEL reserves the right to vary and amend these terms and conditions (solely to the extent necessary to accommodate such changes to legislation and guidance). In particular this will apply to any public health rules, policies, advise and guidance which can be subject to change at short notice.



      1. The Information section of the Festival website is essential reading before attending the Festival. For advice on personal safety, getting to the Festival, and what to bring (and not to bring) please see–packing-list
      2. Cars, caravans and campervans require a separate ticket. Please see the Festival website for more information.
      3. Do not buy tickets from street traders or unauthorised agencies. Tickets are security printed and are personal to the ticket holder only. Any attempt to transfer or resell tickets will lead to automatic refusal at the entrance. Beware of forgeries.
      4. GFEL accepts no responsibility for goods or services purchased from third parties.
      5. Official merchandise will be available onsite. Please don’t buy from street traders.
      6. Please only use the toilets and urinals provided. Do not pollute the streams and hedges.
      7. Please use the litterbins and recycling points provided.
      8. Your vehicle may be searched by security personnel at the vehicle gates on entry to the Festival car parks; in the car parks themselves; or anywhere on the Festival Site.
      9. You may be searched in the car parks or at the entrance. Any items which the organisers consider ay be used in an illegal or offensive manner shall be confiscated. Persons uspected of carrying out illegal and/or offensive activities onsite may be searched. Anyone resisting confiscation of disallowed items or disregarding these conditions will face eviction from the Festival Site.
      10. No animals are alowed onsite, with the exception of registered guide and assistance dogs.
      11. Fireworkds, Chinese/flying lanterns, drones, flares and the burning of plastics are not permitted. Please see the Festival website for details of other prohibited items.
      12. To protect your own safety and that of other guests, pleas act responsibly. Please do not take chairs, buggies and trolleys into busy areas, or to the front of stages. If your chair, buggy or trolley is causing an obstruction you will be asked to move.
      13. Medical treatment at the Festival is provided by Festival Medical Services who are a separate legal entity. Any claims resulting from medical treatment onsite should be directed to Festival Medical Services. GFEL accepts no liability for any injury, claim or damages resulting from any medical treatment onsite.
      14. Accessible facilities are available – please refer to the Festival website for further information.
      15. Smoking, vaping and the use of e-cigarettes are not permitted in enclosed public areas, including but not limited to any tented structures.
      16. Glastonbury Festival operates a ‘Challenge 21’ policy for alcohol sales. If you look under 21, you will not be served alcohol unless you can prove you are over 18 – by presenting ID, or by wearing a ‘Challenge 21’ wristband. Full details can be found on the Festival website.
      17. Please note that some areas of the site, particularly front-of-stage barriers and late-night areas are unsuitable for children. This may include adult content and crowds – children may be removed from, or refused admittance to, such areas for their own safety and the safety of others. Pushchairs and trolleys which may impact on crowd movement may not be permitted in these areas. Some late night and screening facilities may have age restrictions for entry. those wishing to attend should bring suitable ID as proof of age, and parents and responsible adults should ensure that all restrictions are adhered to. For films classified as 18, a ‘challenge 21’ policy will apply.
      18. A number of performances at the Festival may include the use of strobe, flicker and other lighting effects. Some acts may also use lasers, pyrotechnics and other special effects throughout their performance.
      19. GFEL does not offer refunds in the event of lost or stolen tickets or where the ticket holder cannot attend the Festival due to reasons beyond the Festival’s control. You might consider it prudent to insure the value of your ticket in the event of such loss.